Arabic medicine with a modern scientific template:  To treat hair loss, skin and skin with herbs and natural oils - Arabic medicine with a modern scientific template:  to treat hair loss, skin and skin with herbs and natural oils

Beloon Shampoo

- Ingredients: Aleppo Clay (Beloon ) - perfume - purified water..

Contains soil natural, rich of minerals which useful the skin and hair. It cleans deeply and gives smoothness.

Aleppo soil (Beloon): Anti - inflammatory, Anti-viral, Anti - inflammatory. Eliminates the germs of wounds, ulcers, skin lesions, fungi, eczema and allergies. Strengthens and softens hair and skin and maintains it. It is used in cases of infections, skin ulcers, eczema and skin allergies.

Advantages :
1- Helps to hair tonic and soften.
2- Helps in cases of: sensitive skin, itching, slough, eczema, fungi, psoriasis..

Method of use:
- You can uses these products at any time for wash skin body and skin Head, scalp & Head hair.
- Wash the skin body and skin Head, scalp and Head hair with this Shampoo twice until it becomes clean, then leaves the foam about 2 -3 minutes before washing.