Arabic medicine with a modern scientific template:  To treat hair loss, skin and skin with herbs and natural oils - Arabic medicine with a modern scientific template:  to treat hair loss, skin and skin with herbs and natural oils

Soap + Cream

- Ingredients: Olive - palm - Black cumin - Almond - Coconut - Radish - Glycerin - perfume - purified water..

Contains oils & herbs which helps to minimize of white spots which are caused of a problem at immune system (the loss of pigment cells of the pigment).

Olive : Contains Vitamin A,B,E, protein, salt of (phosphor, iron & Calcium), Anti-oxidation. It rebuilds cells, Soft and Emollient of skin & hair, Includes Elenalic acid witch kills virus. And uses for sensitive and dry skin, hands & legs, and anti- Arthritis.
Palm : Contains hydra carbon, fat, fibers, vitamin A,B1,B2,C, protein, sugar, oil, lime and mineral salt ( iron, phosphor, sulfur, potassium, manganese, chlorine, copper, calcium & magnesium ). Anti oxidation, It rebuilds cells, hair & skin tonic.
Black cumin: It warms up, removes furuncles, it's useful in case of : vitiligo, leper, eczema, rheumatism, high immunity of skin & hair, antiseptic and calm nervous.
Almond: It contains vitamin A,B,E mineral salts (calcium, phosphor, potassium, sulfur, and manganese), rebuilds cells, skin soft, stop itching , useful in case of : Eczema, burns, hemorrhoids, Arthritis, low sensitivity of hair & skin, freckles, pigment, dandruff and skin disease.
Coconut: It contains fat, sugar, protein, phosphor elements, acids, anti - oxidation, rebuilds cells, so it's nutritious, soft, clean, hair & skin tonic, remove freckles, pigment, itching become mange.
Radish : It contains vitamin A,B,C, calcium, iron, iodine, sulfur manganese, little starch & mineral materials. Antiseptic of bacteria & virus. Anti - eczema, anti-inflammatory, and arthritis.

1- Helps in case of vitiligo and white spots in the skin..
2- Helps to increase the skin immunity.

Method of use:
Soap :
-Wet the skin with warm water, rub with the soap then do it again by hand for 1-2 minutes and last rinse with water.
Cream :
- Put cream on the skin, Rub with your finger (circular direction) 1-2 minutes.
- Apply twice daily

- To increase efficiency and speed of results is recommended to use (Wardi Shan / Vitiligo Cream) after using Wardi Shan / Vitiligo soap.

This product is totally free from animal fat