Arabic medicine with a modern scientific template:  To treat hair loss, skin and skin with herbs and natural oils - Arabic medicine with a modern scientific template:  to treat hair loss, skin and skin with herbs and natural oils

Soap + Cream

- Ingredients: Olive - Palm - Black cumin - Flax - Aloe - Chamomile - perfume - purified water..

Contains natural oils and herbs which helps to get rid of the psoriasis. And helps calm even the most intense itching, also it helps flaking off, redness, calm irritation and inflammation of sebaceous glands of skin.

Olive: Contains Vitamin A,B,E protein, salt of (phosphor, iron & Calcium), Anti-oxidation. It rebuilds cells, Soft and Emollient of skin & hair, Includes Elenalic acid witch kills virus. And uses for sensitive and dry skin, hands & legs, and anti- Arthritis.
Palm : Contains hydra carbon, fat, fibers, vitamin A,B1,B2,C, protein, sugar, oil, lime and mineral salt ( iron, phosphor, sulfur, potassium, manganese, chlorine, copper, calcium & magnesium ). Anti oxidation, It rebuilds cells, hair & skin tonic.
Black cumin: It warms up, removes furuncles, it's useful in case of : vitiligo, leper, eczema, rheumatism, high immunity of skin & hair, antiseptic and calm nervous.
Flax: Useful in cases of eczema, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis .
Aloe (Cactus): Contains vitamin A,C, sugar, apple acid, Tartrique, Mucilage, tannin, protein, lime, phosphor. rebuild cells and anti-inflammatory .
Chamomile: It contains fatty materials, like alkalinity and perfume. Anti–inflammatory & anti-sensitivity, used for dry skin, dandruff, eczema and psoriasis.

1- Useful in case of Psoriasis, flaking off & itching..
2- Ease irritation and inflammation of sebaceous glands of skin.
3- Nourish & soften the skin.

Method of use:
Soap :
- Wet the skin with warm water, rub with the soap then do it again by hand for 2-3 minutes and last rinse with water.
Cream :
- Put cream on affected areas, Rub with your finger 1-2 minutes and then leaves that about 5 minutes.
- Apply twice daily.

- To increase efficiency and speed of results is recommended to use (Wardi Shan / Psoriasis Cream) after using Wardi Shan / Psoriasis soap.

This product is totally free from animal fat